Hi, I'm Peter! I'm a student at Georgetown University concentrating in Computer Science, Cybersecurity, and International Relations, and minoring in Korean.

I am a runner, I'm a big Utah Jazz fan, I love programming, and I enjoy studying foreign languages.

Here is my resume.


Things I've worked on

The Corp

At the Corp, aka Students of Georgetown, Inc., which is the largest entirely student-run nonprofit in the world, I work in the IT Department. I have built a single sign-on authentication platform for internally used web services, and I've used Django to create an internal tool that stores point of sale data and provides an interface to access and organize the data and generate reports. Also, last fall I helped implement a new training/onboarding process for new hires, that includes a curriculum to teach Python and web development.

Booz Allen Hamilton Dark Labs

I helped build a testing framework for an automated binary analysis and vulnerability discovery tool during a summer internship at Booz Allen in 2018.

Liberty in North Korea: All For One

All For One is a peer-to-peer fundraising campaign platform that I helped develop for Liberty in North Korea during 2016. To date, it has helped raise over $20,000 to rescue North Korean refugees.

Lucidchart and Lucidpress

Lucid makes online collaborative tools like Lucidchart, a diagamming tool, and Lucidpress, a publishing tool. I wrote hundreds of automated UI-based tests for both Lucidchart and Lucidpress while working at Lucid Software during the summer of 2015.

I have also written a raytracer in C++, a little game engine on top of MonoGame in C#, and games in Lua and Javascript. Check out my Github for more!